
I am 37 years old and from Germany

Ethnicity White/Caucasian
Hair color Brunette
Height 5'4" - 5'6" [160cm - 170cm]
Eye color Blue
Gender Female
Bust size Large
Butt size Small
Pubic hair Shaved
Region Europe
Sexual preference Bisexual
Weight 120 - 140 lbs [55 - 60 kg]
Primary Language english
Secodary Language german
Homecountry Germany
What I like

I love to tease ( and not just with my body but also with my sexy mind and imagination). Visit my room and see it with your own eyes. I am an open-minded lady, sarcastic, and naughty. More facts about me: I love cherries! Prefer black lingerie. Rose wine is the one & only!

What i don' like

unkind people
someone who is always late!
beggars! ;/
lack of respect and responsibility
